I love how cute and peaceful they look while they are sleeping. They have that commercal for pampers with the silent night song and all the cuties sleeping so I was inspired.
Monday, December 8, 2008
It's holiday time
So last night we got the tree out and decorated it. Our house is so small that we have a table top tree. I know all of us miss the times when we had a real tree.
It was so cute when we took the tree out of the box Zach saw it and said " A Christmas tree I lobe it sooo much." He is such a goof ball it is so cute when they can't say v's yet. Him and Zoe had so much fun decorating it.

Dosen't he look so excited to pose for us!
It was so cute when we took the tree out of the box Zach saw it and said " A Christmas tree I lobe it sooo much." He is such a goof ball it is so cute when they can't say v's yet. Him and Zoe had so much fun decorating it.

When we were getting the tree stuff out I found a fun Rudolf nose and Zoe was posing for the camera she got the ears and after she was done posing it was Jerry's turn.

Monday, November 24, 2008
Baby leggings
For a baby gift a friend gave Lucas some Baby Legs I think they are the cutest thing ever and since I couldn't really afford to go get more a friend of mine told me how to make some our of knee highs and the turned out so cute. The first pic is of the baby legs and the other two are of the ones I made out of knee highs and slipper socks. They are so easy with diaper changes and they keep him warm in just a onesie!

Lucas is already a poser isn't he cute!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Cutie Pie Lucas
So the other day I took some pics of Lucas sleeping and I have had a chance to play with them alittle and it turned out sooooo cute. I am bias though so you will have to decied yourself.

And that day a friend gave him baby legs for a gift they look so cute on him I had to share. Thanks Emily!

Friday, November 14, 2008
Okay so any parent knows how long it takes a toddler to distroy something and I should know by now that it takes Zach even less time than most kids but I plead the distracted just had a baby thing. I left him in the living room watching a movie while I was on the computer for a short while and he brings me my cell phone..... in two pieces!!!!! He some how peeled the number pad off of it! I was so mad it took all I had just to put him on his bed in time out. The thing is he knew he was in trouble cause he started crying right after he brought it to me. He layed in his bed for his two mins and when I went to talk to him he was asleep. What a stinker! Any how so it if anyone tries to call and can't that's why.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Okay so here are some details about Lucas' birth and his announcement. Which by the way was alot more difficult then I thought it would be to make thanks to Zach. He is such a stinker about pictures I can't get a good shot of him with anyone. He does okay pics by himself but if I try to get one of him and Zoe or all three it is sooooo hard so I take what I can get and after awhile just give up.
Okay so Lucas' birth...
Saturday I was in consistant labor they started 10 mins apart and grew to about three mins apart I went to bed expecting to wake from them and have to go in to the hospital. In the morning they were still just three mins apart but stronger. So my mom and I and the kids went to Wal-mart to walk and look at Christmas stuff while Jerry took the box spring off our bed so it is only three feet tall not four. After walking for over an hour and them not getting stronger or closer we went home and then labor kinda stalled. The contractions got further apart but stronger. At ten we went to the hospital and they checked me since I was only at one cen dialated and the contrations weren't close they sent me home. After being home for just a little while they got so strong I told Jerry we had to go back. We called my mom who had to drive from Cedar and waited for her to get here. Jerry was rubbing my back and using pressure points to relieve the pain. We got back to the hospital about three am and the contractions were consistant and very painful unfortunatly I wasn't dialating and they were very close together and very long and strong we decieded it was time for a c-section. At 7:35 am Lucas arrived via the operating room. The surgeon then told me what was going on there was alot of scar tissue on the inside of my uterus from my previous c-secs that was stopping him from dropping and that is why I wasn't dialating. After they did the tubel and sewed me up I got to nurse him. Lucas is a very good eater and is doing really well with nursing. After coming home we have only had two tummy problems, I am on a strict no dairy/soy diet and he is doing well. He has gained weight and is happy. Zoe and Zach love having him around and are great big sibs. They love to hold and kiss him all the time. We are adjusting to a fuller house and love having him around.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Sunday, October 26, 2008
My dairy free cow

So Friday we went to our HOA Halloween party at our playground. We were supposed to have dinner but Zach spent the whole time chasing a ball and chasing the kids with the ball. Zoe enjoyed all the deserts and seeing a friend. They were dressed as a cow and cowgirl. I thought it was funny that my little cow is allergic to milk!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Fun Halloween portraits
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Jerry's Ankle

So Saturday Jerry called me from work and said that I might have to come and get him cause he twisted his ankle and he wasn't sure how bad it was. He might have to go to instacare to get it x-rayed. Well I ended up taking him there for x-rays. The doctor said there wasn't a break but that he might have pulled something. You think his ankle is huge! This pic was taken just a few hours after it happened since then it has turned black and blue and is still pretty swollen. He is resting it when not at work and has to where a big boot brace for awhile. What luck we have! Now both of us are out of comission. It's a good thing Zoe knows how to make PB&J, just kiddin.
Baby Update
So I am still having contractions daily but they are not consistent so it doesn't look like I will have him any time soon. They are just annoying and painful. Zoe is really funnly about them though yesterday she came home from school and asked "so how are the contractions going" I was so suprised I just said "What do you mean" She repiled with well are you having the baby soon or not? What a goof ball she is. We are all excited that it will only be a few more weeks though.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Pumpkin Patch

We visited Stahlei farm on Monday night to get pumpkins. The kids loved it! Zachary really liked all the animals this time. He chased the chickens and kittens.

He even tried to climb into the pins with them.

The kids and Jerry each got a pumpkin, 
I decieded not to get one this year I am too tired to carve it and Jerry is going to carve his and Zach's and help Zoe so he will have enough to do. 

Sunday, October 12, 2008
This weekend!
So this weekend Jerry and I went to SLC for his company work party. We drove since I was too far along to fly and it still didn't help. I was doing okay until we went to the dinner. I started contracting and by the time the awards ceremony was over they were about three mins apart and getting stronger. I told him that we needed to leave and we went to the room changed and found out where the hospital was. We went to University hospital (which is really nice) and they monitored me all night and gave me an IV to try to spot the contractions. This morning I was only having about one an hour so they let me leave and go home. We are home and they are random so it looks like I will not be having a baby soon. That's good cause he still needs some time to finish growing. Anyway, we are home and doing well. I'll post more later, good night.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Names, names, what's in a name?
Okay so I think we might have agreed on a name.
Lukas Dilyan and just so you know the spelling was all Jerry. We'll see if this one sticks. I think he has changed his mind a hundred times on a name. It's funny cause it took like a day to pick Zach's name.
Lukas Dilyan and just so you know the spelling was all Jerry. We'll see if this one sticks. I think he has changed his mind a hundred times on a name. It's funny cause it took like a day to pick Zach's name.
Zach turned two!

On Saturday Zach had his second birthday party it was so much fun watching him with all his family and friends. He loves playing with other kids now and actually gets along for awhile which is nice. He was so funny when he got to the cake. At first he was afraid of the candels so Jerry helped him blow them out and when they relit (trick candles) he laughed and signed for more. After the candles were gone and the cake was in front of him I guess he decieded it was his so he put his face in it and took a bite and when everyone laughed he just kept doing it. He was so cute and had the biggest smile and said it was nummy. When it was present time he was so excited he just ripped through them. What a fun birthday! I just shows how much fun he'll be at christmas too.
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