Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Identy theft fraud sucks!

So today just before I was going to leave for playgroup I got a call from Paypal. They asked me if I had made a purchase yesterday I said no why and I was alerted to the fact that someone purchased something from a home office store for $999.10 and that it went through my account also they changed my address and ordered a new credit card. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I freaked what could we do about it! Luckly paypal has a great fraud team and they said they could reverse everything and cancel the card but they wanted me to change all my passwords associated with this account and alert the bank. So now I am spending my afternoon changing everything and being on the phone with the bank. Yuck!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


So I am right on target for my first goal of the year to read at least one book a month. I finish Twilight this morning and now am ready to start the second book. I didn't want to see the movie until I had read the book and now I can't wait until it comes on video. I am such an addict to all things vampire and witchy. Hopefully the movie is as good as the book.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Laughing Lucas

Yesterday Lucas learned how to laugh it is so cute and he was so smiley yesterday I got tons of pictures. So here they are!

And then he needed a change and as I was changing his clothes and diaper I wanted to capture all of his Cubbyness. Isn't it adorable? He is such a contrast to what Zach was!

Zachary woke up from his nap so I tried to take a few pics of him this is what I got.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Zoe's Birthday

Wow I can't believe she is turning 7 in just a few days I remember when she was tiny .
4 year old birthday
3 1/2
3 year old birthday

Almost 2

14 months old
So this year Zoe decieded to have a music party. Mostly because she couldn't chose which theme she wanted and since they all were music whala a theme was born I made her cards and they turned out cute.

This is the front of the card

The inside has the info and her pic of her headshot in color.


So I took Lucas to Sears to get some pics done of him in a sweater that his Nana made for Zach and he out grew before getting pics. They turned out cute and I spent more that just the coupon cause she even got a cute one of Zach with him. So here they are I edited them and added cute stuff and stole their idea of a sketch with a pic.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Ahhh! Paypal sucks now

Okay I am soooo bugged I sold some stuff on ebay and the only payment I accept is paypal and it's been that way for years because it is/was the best, fastest and easiest way to pay and recieve payment well now they hold funds for 21 days including shipping! What the heck now sellers are expected to front the costs of shipping then get payment that stinks. I was on the phone with customer service for almost 10 mins before I got through and they said that is the new policy and it will stay that way unless you are a power seller with a positive rating over 100. Well I guess that means I need to sell and buy more on ebay quick to get my funds faster. :(

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Zoe's Headshot

I fixed all the things commented on what do you think now?

Zoe is going to audition for Annie at Tuacan and needed a headshot. What do you think?

Lucas the Duck

Lucas has a few really cute outfits with hats and this is one. He fell asleep and I couldn't resist taking his picture.


Here is proof that we do feed Zach. The other night we had spaghetti and he got it all over his face and I had to snap a few pictures but that stinker actually started to put his hands up and said "No pictures please!". Silly boy is such a parot when it comes to stuff his Dad says.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Chucky Cheese

When we went to Orem to visit family between Christmas and New Years we went to Chucky Cheese. The kids loved it! Zoe had been when we lived in California but this was Zach's first time.

They loved this truck that went up and down and side to side on hydrolic lifts.

Zach riding the clock ride he freaked out at first then realized it was fun.

Smily Lucas

Lucas learned to smile and it is so cute!

Big Smiles at Christmas!


Zachary fell asleep under the tree after opening all of his presents.

Zoe holding up her HSM quilt I made and Zach is riding his big wheel from Santa

Snow fun in Enterprise!

We had a great christmas this year. We spent a few days before and after Christmas in Enterprise and then the kids and I went to Orem to visit other family and then Grandpa Vern stayed for a few days through New Years.

Sleeping Beauty

Zoe was Flora and a Goone in Center Stage's production of Sleeping Beauty Dec. 13th, 15th and 16th. She was a big hit as she was in the older cast (12-16 years old) and is the smallest kid in both casts (not youngest just the smallest). She did an amazing job! But I am not bias at all :)


So I haven't posted in awhile sorry life has been crazy busy. I'll post a few posts at once to make up for it.